Jan 1, 2024 | Foundation News • Program - Spaces Of Grace
MLIFE's CEO, Mwangi Mukami, took center stage with Olivia Horton on KRONron4's Live in the Bay. From the bustling streets of San Francisco to the vibrant landscapes of Nairobi and Kilifi, Kenya, Mwangi shared that MLIFE's reach extends across borders, leaving a trail of positive change in its wake.
Mwangi Mukami also delved into the heart of MLIFE's mission, shedding light on the Black Renaissance Project—a visionary initiative with the power to catalyze lasting change among African Americans and Blacks in the Diaspora. This groundbreaking project funds a 10-day journey to Sub-Saharan Africa, aiming not only to foster intercultural understanding but also to nurture leadership skills and empower Black and brown youths throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Black Renaissance Project emerged as an outgrowth of the Healing Circle Program, a $600,000 non-violence initiative funded by the Board of State and Community Corrections and MLIFE. This strategic program provides targeted support for youths aged 14-24 residing in the Tenderloin/SoMa, Bayview/Hunters Point, and the Mission District—areas where support is critically needed.
Already, 25 young individuals have had the opportunity to participate in this intercultural journey, thanks in part to the generous grant from the Rugged Elegance Foundation. The ripple effect of empowerment and resilience is palpable, echoing through the lives of those touched by MLIFE's commitment to positive change.